
Documentary Project: Completed

So I FINALLY finished my latest documentary project! 
I am so proud of how it evolved and became what it is. It started as an idea to photograph different local small farms to show how they grow their food for consumption as well as for a living. 
But it turned into a very personal one on one story about a specific family and the processes they go through all year round. 

Here's my artist statement about the photographs:

My desire is to present how one family chooses to grow their own garden, in order to retain the integrity of their food. As a culture, we have become so accustomed to eating whatever the industry puts before us; we don't question where it comes from or how it's produced. Still, there are those who choose to live counter to the ever-increasing quick and easy TV dinner lifestyle. I documented a family who makes their living from the food they harvest. They hold in high integrity the process of taking a seed, planting it, and nurturing it to be only what it's mean to be, and nothing else. They style of documentary photography is such a rewarding process for me, because it truly displays what it seen.

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