
Old Photos: Scanning Assignment

My first assignment for my digital photography class is to scan in pictures, film, flat objects, leaves...and create a collage of sorts. I looked through tons of old photos from my Mother's childhood and my own. It's so funny to look at my Mom as a baby, a kid, and a young adult. I had a curious feeling- like I was looking at another person. It's hard to look at someone you know when they were younger and try to imagine who the were then. Even looking at pictures of my sister and I from when we were little, it doesn't even feel like it's me.

Mom and her dog Skipper.

Mom and her Grandfather.

My Grandmother and Mother. They were pretty stylin.

I've always loved looking at pictures and home videos because it's like going back in time and exploring another world. One that I hardly remember. To be able to look at myself and others, to look at life from years ago, is a strange phenomenon. And one that we are quite frankly blessed to have.  

Grandmother. Personality.

I've picked photos that immediately jumped out at me. Ones that caused me to stare at them in wonder and marvel at the people in them. 

My sister and I playing pretend. This is the epitome of my childhood.
Playing the piano even then.
Me and my dog Honey.

I've got to say that I am SO glad that my Great Grandmother, Grandmother, and Mother took photos. So many times at family get togethers and holidays, it seems like a hassle to pull the camera out and take time to record the moment. But oh man! How much we would miss if we didn't.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Holly, how wonderful this post is! Great choices of photos, AND comments! Did you happen to see "Tiny" peeking between Gramma's and my feet? I just now noticed that! Thanks so much for this.
